Resource Base Facilities
Kennet Valley Primary School and the Kennet Valley Resource Base share the same grounds. Although the Resource Base is in a separate building from the main school, there is easy access between buildings and grounds.
The Resource Base has 2 classrooms, intended for 6 children in each class.
Each classroom has its own access to a cloakroom, toilets and a break-out room. Other small group rooms are also available for times when children may need to work outside of the classroom, with adult support.
There is a Food Technology Room and a separate social area where children can meet and eat lunch together.
The outdoor environment at the unit has been designed with a nurturing approach in mind and this is supported by Forest School and a rich outdoor learning space at the main school.
The Resource Base Lead Teacher is a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Kennet Valley Primary School and the SLT has responsibility for the education, behaviour and progress of children at the Resource Base.
Other staff at the unit include 2 class teachers, 6 Learning Support Assistants, an Administration Officer and a Family Support Worker. Other professionals who work at the unit but are employed by West Berkshire Local Authority include an Occupational Therapist, a Speech Therapist and a Mental Health Support Worker.